Joshua Omonuk

Climate Activist
Rise Up Movement


Joshua Omonuk is a climate activist from Uganda and a Professional Economist & Statistician. He believes in equality, integrity and sustainable land use. His sole purpose in life is to have a tangible contribution to the planet and to encourage more youths to have a heart for nature and the future generations. After realizing that climate change affects all of us and many African countries may not be able to adapt easily to this crisis, Joshua quit his full-time job and devoted all His time to making a tangible contribution towards a better tomorrow for all. He raises awareness about climate change, climate action and stirs up conservation on social media to reach as many people as possible. He believes that if this message reaches the people, then we shall fight this together. When we fight together, we pressure our leaders to make policies that will ensure the protection of our planet. Our leaders are not doing enough. We need to also see more citizens taking up the responsibility and demand for immediate climate action. His recent physical engagements were at COP 26, which also involved a food revolution, and Fridays for Future campaigns to tackle the climate crisis. He believes Climate change is a priority issue and it should be a priority for everyone