Joab Langi Osumba

Agriculture Lead
Adaptation Consortium (ADA)


Joab Langi Osumba is the Agriculture Lead at Adaptation Consortium (ADA), Kenya. Prior to that Joab was a Research Officer on Climate-Smart Agriculture Policy with CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) East Africa, at International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), Nairobi (2019-2022). Joab has been a Technical Advisor on Climate-Smart Agribusiness under UKaid’s Climate Change Programme in Kenya (2014-2018), and an Agriculture Officer at various capacities in the State Department of Agriculture, Government of Kenya (1997-2014). Besides the above, Joab has been a Consultant on Environmental Risk Management (Impact Assessment and Audit) since 2009 and on Climate-Smart Agriculture and policy dialogues since 2011. Joab has authored or co-authored peer-reviewed journal articles, policy briefs, technical briefs, books, book chapters, training manuals, working papers, and technical reports, covering agricultural development, environmental stewardship, and climate risk management. Joab holds a BSc in Agriculture, a P.G.Dip.Ed in Agricultural Education, an M.Phil in Environmental Science, a Certificate in Environmental Impact Assessment and Audit, currently pursuing a PhD in Climate Change Adaptation.