Ines Angulo

Forestry Specialist
The World Bank


Ines Angulo is a Forestry Specialist at the World Bank. As the Focal Point for the Forest Investment Program (FIP), she supports preparing and implementing its portfolio in 13 countries. She also coordinates the work of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration Finance Task Force and provides technical assistance for the PROGREEN trust fund. Ines has more than 18 years of experience working on environmental issues, including forest management and conservation, climate change, and sustainable agriculture. She has worked on project development, implementation, and evaluation, and climate change finance for organizations such as the Climate Investment Funds (CIF), the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB), the Global Environment Facility (GEF), and the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). She holds a BSc in Forestry from the Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina and a MEM from the School of Environment at Yale University.