Gabor Figeczky

Head of Global Policy
IFOAM - Organics International


Gábor Figeczky is the Head of Global Policy at IFOAM – Organics International. Gábor has beenpromoting agro-ecology as a viable solution that can deliver results on all the SDGs for 20 years. With abackground in agriculture and ecology, he has worked in nature conservation and sustainable agricultureat senior positions in the civil society as well as the state sector including as CEO of WWF Hungary. Hehas expertise in designing biodiversity-friendly agri-environmental schemes and evaluating ruraldevelopment programmes and reports from the national to the global level. He is the author of and have contributed to various reports, brochures and articles on sustainable agriculture and its linkages to climate change and biodiversity, the marketing of local farming goods and the use of the European Union’s rural development funds.