Nature-Based Solutions - How Restoration Can Support a Healthy Climate, Economy and Planet


How Restoration Can Support a Healthy Climate, Economy and Planet


29 April 2021





Over 40 percent of the world’s population is affected by land degradation.

Land degradation threatens food security, fuels violent conflict, drives biodiversity loss and contributes to the climate crisis through carbon and nitrous oxide emissions. It costs the global economy around USD 6–10 trillion per year, or roughly 10 percent of gross world product.

One of the most promising solutions to land degradation is restoration, which aims to regain ecological functionality and enhance human well-being in deforested or degraded landscapes. More than 2 billion hectares of such landscapes stand to be restored globally. However, implementation still remains far below the level needed to address land degradation on a global scale.

On 29 April 2021, the Global Landscapes Forum will organize a digital forum on restoration hosted jointly by the Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF) and the Global Partnership on Forest and Landscape Restoration (GPFLR). This event will help increase understanding in three key areas where restoration can make significant contributions: climate mitigation and adaptation, job creation, and reducing threats to biodiversity. It will also provide an opportunity to showcase the role of partnerships and collaboration in successful restoration.

This event is available in three languages: English, Français, Español.
Este evento contará con traducción simultánea al español.
Cet événement sera traduit simultanément en français.


Event concept


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This session explores the potential of restoration as a way to “build back better,” including opportunities for scaled-up restoration including through the launch of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration.

It will also examine key implementation challenges for restoration, including the need to better understand how it can address global challenges and to enable policy, finance mobilization, capacity, and knowledge sharing.

Finally, with an eye towards addressing implementation challenges, the event will introduce a new Implementation Hub for restoration.

Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) with IKI with WWF, World Resources Institute (WRI), International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)

Could humanity solve the climate crisis by restoring the Earth’s landscapes?

This session will explore the potential of restoration in climate change mitigation and adaptation in the lead-up to COP26.
Speakers will discuss synergies generated between mitigation and adaptation, showcasing a range of successful case studies in Africa, particularly the Sahel region. The panel will emphasize the need to connect on-the-ground monitoring with global commitments and explore the role of community members in restoration initiatives, including gender dynamics and changing social and power relations. It will also examine ways to access and harness forest carbon finance.

Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) with World Agroforestry (ICRAF)

Dr. Steve Makungwa, Senior Lecturer at Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources and GLFx Lilongwe Chapter Lead highlights the importance of Capacity Building in Forest Landscape Restoration Implementation, such as the FLR mentorship program with IUFRO in Malawi, and the impact it is making for on the ground restoration in Malawi in this short video message.


More than USD 300 billion per year will be needed to restore the world’s degraded lands and achieve Sustainable Development Goal 15 by 2030. Public financing is likely to be inadequate, meaning substantial private investment is needed to support restoration activities on the ground.

A crucial step is to identify and establish bankable or investable restoration projects to convince investors of the economic potential and feasibility of restoration beyond its environmental and social impacts.

This session presents several ongoing initiatives and existing tools to support entrepreneurs in developing a business case for sustainable restoration.

Setting the scene: FLR and the opportunities for job creation and social impact LIVE NOW
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

A video message from Modi Pontio, Associate Director of the Tree Kangaroo Conservation Program, on how the Tree Kangaroo Conservation Program and the YUS Conservation Area – comprising of 78,000 hectares – have become a national model for conservation within the unique context of Papua New Guinea’s customary land tenure system.

Papua New Guinea’s Huon Peninsula in Morobe Province is an extremely rugged, mountainous area


The world is facing a crisis in the loss of biodiversity. From the genetic and species level to the ecosystem level, nature is declining globally at rates unprecedented in human history.

Restoration can play a significant role in addressing biodiversity loss, such as by helping to restore and mitigate the loss of critical habitat for threatened species and ecosystems. However, many questions remain around the links between restoration and biodiversity conservation. This session will explore this important and timely topic from multiple perspectives.

International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
Closing Remarks LIVE NOW
Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF) with Global Partnership on Forest and Landscape Restoration (GPFLR), Global Landscapes Forum


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How Restoration Can Support a Healthy Climate, Economy and Planet

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Paul Elvis Tangem

African Union Commission

Rosario L. Perez

Indigenous Chamorro, advocate for Guam’s landscapes

Bruno Oberle

Director General, The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)

Susan Cook-Patton

The Nature Conservancy

Manish Bapna

Acting President and CEO, World Resources Institute (WRI)

Fran Price

Forest Practice Leader, WWF

Louise Mabulo

Founder, Chef, Farmer, Entrepreneur

George Wamukoya

African Group of Negotiators Expert Support

Houria Djoudi

Senior Scientist, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR)

Ulrich Apel

Global Environment Facility

Kathomi Njeru

Green Pot Enterprises Ltd.

Organizations involved in the Digital Forum



Global Landscapes Forum




Melissa Angel

Communications Coordinator



Nina Haase

Engagement and Growth Coordinator
