High economic value unsaturated fatty acid potency produced by tropical marine diatom (Nitzschia sp. : Bacillariophyceae) from Karimunjawa

Diah Radini Noerdjito, Gede Suantika, and Djoko T. Iskandar
Unsaturated fatty acids mostly are fine materials and have high value especially if produced in high quality refinery. The fatty acids can be use as food, feed, pharmaceutical, and energy. Marine diatoms are natural carbon depositor in the ocean which convert them into lipid. In this case, Nitzschia sp. consists of at least 17 types of fatty acids, 10 of them are unsaturated fatty acids.Fatty acids in Nitzschia sp. were more varied than other vegetable oils such as palm (5 types), olives (5 types), soybean (5 types), lard (6 types), and coconut (8 types).The production of unsaturated fatty acids in Nitzschia sp. are dominated by Eicosapentanoic acid (EPA) and Docosahexanoic acid (DHA), which were not exist in palm, olives, soybean, lard, and coconut.
Nitzschia sp., carbon depositor, photosynthesis
Photo by
Kristian Peters/http://www.korseby.net/outer/flora/algae/index.html
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