• Day 2: Wednesday, 20 December
  • Room: Nairobi 3 - 4

Opportunities and lessons learned to enhance and accelerate recognition of community land rights

Nairobi 3 - 4

Sustainable landscape restoration requires a recognition of the rights and responsibilities of the peoples who live and work within them.  Bringing together indigenous peoples, researchers and practitioners, this session looks at landscapes through the prism of a rights-based perspective. The session will engage with the issues facing communities in law and in practice and explore pathways forward.  Without losing sight of the global context and initiatives such as REDD and FLR, the speakers will focus on concrete mechanisms for securing the position of households, women and historically marginalized communities through measures ranging from land titling to social safeguards.


Rights abuse allegations in the context of REDD+ readiness and implementation: A preliminary review and proposal for moving forward

Securing Community Land Rights: Priorities & Opportunities to Advance Climate & Sustainable Development Goals

Presentations (PDF): Andy White